Saturday, 30 July 2011

Animals are also Citizens of a State

A conversation with His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Animals are also Citizens of a State
Hayagriva dasa: For Machiavelli, the only sin is not acting for the common good. First, the ruler must protect the citizens from physical harm. Citizens are happy when they obey the laws, follow customs, and pray to God.
Srila Prabhupada: If the ruler must first of all protect the citizens from physical harm, how can he advocate animal slaughter? Animals are also subjects because they are born in a country. A citizen is anyone who is born in a state. So how can a ruler discriminate between one type of citizen and another? If he discriminates, he cannot speak of common good. He can only say “man’s good.” According to the common good, animals as well as men are protected.
Hayagriva dasa: Machiavelli placed love of country and the common good above everything else. He rarely uses the word “God” or “Providence,” but prefers the word “fortune.” It is fortune that plays tricks on men and changes friends into enemies. 
Srila Prabhupada: If God is fortune, who is misfortune? Since God is the supreme controller, He is both fortune and misfortune. When you act wrongly, punishment comes from God, and when you act properly, the reward come from God.

1 comment:

  1. It is very heartening to read Prabhupada's assertion that animals, too, are citizens of the state. As such, they enjoy all the rights extended to every cirtizen. This view was endorsed indirectly by Shubha Raul, a former mayor of Mumbai, when she encouraged creation of cow sanctuaries (godhan) among the huge housing complexes that are now springing up all over Mumbai. This would allow the coexistence of humans and animals in a close proximity fostering mutual welfare (parasparam bhavayantah...)as declared in the Gita.

    Shrinivas Tilak
