Saturday, 30 July 2011

Breaking the Shackles of Kali......

King Yudhishtir, who is also known as dharamraj and was an ideal, one of the strongest, celebrated, and pious kings of the world was afraid of the sins incurred because of the mass killing at the battle of Kurukshetra and wished to purify himself of that sin through yajna. Relatively what would be the fate of the present rulers who are doing, breathing, talking, and living sin every moment?
Foundation of an ideal vedic civilization is laid on the preservation of three pillars of religiosity- brahminical culture, cow protection, and God-consciousness.
Brahminical culture is the defining feature which differentiates human society from animal society. 
Srila Prabhupada in a letter to Rupanuga, Dt. December 7, 1975.
Vedic civilization gives protection to all the living creatures, especially the cows, because they render such valuable service to the human society in the shape of milk, without which no one can become healthy and strong. In your country the dog is protected, and the cow is killed. The dog is passing stool and urine in the street, he is considered the best friend of man, and the cow is all pure, stool, urine, and milk, but they are taken to the slaughter house and killed for food. What kind of civilization is this? Therefore we have to preach against all this nonsense. 
ahaara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca.
samanyam etat pasubhih naranam .
dharmo hi tesam adhiko viseso .
dharmena hina pasubhih samanah . [Hitopadesa]

Eating, sleeping, mating, and defending are activities common to both human beings and animals. It is only the observance of ‘dharma’, following religious principles to become God conscious that makes the difference; lest we are reduced to in Srila Prabhupada’s words just “royal editions of animal.” Krsna, though beyond everything and anything still set the precept by His own example:
namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca
jagat-hitaya krishnaya govindaya namonamah

[Translation: I offer my respectful obeisances to the Supreme Absolute Truth, Krishna, Who is the well-wisher of the cows and the brahmanas as well as the living entities in general. I offer my repeated obeisances to Govinda, who is the resevoir of pleasure for all the senses.]

Krsna, the eternal primeval lord of the Universe who is complete in Himself and who is Sarva karana karanam humbly received His old Brahmin friend, Sudama, and personally chose to wash his feet. One who is always purna, lovingly took care of the cows and took them out to graze every day while growing in Braja. Both brahmanas and cows belong to the same family and are situated in mode of goodness. The brahmanas are qualified to chant the mantras and perform the sacrifices, while the cows provide material for the sacrifice in the form of panchgavya and other product-based preparations. Human prosperity depends on brahminical culture and cow protection [Based on Srila Prabhupada’s purport to SB 1.8.21]. Preservation of brahminical culture and cow protection in absence of God-consciousness is like a beautiful body without a soul- thus completely useless. It is Krsna-centric life which will help a person sustain even the other two. All three of them are intricately interwoven with one another and do not exist in singularity. So, it is king’s or administrator’s duty to help create a conducive atmosphere for vedic civilization to prosper by promoting brahminical culture, cow protection, and God-consciousness. It is king’s duty to protect his ‘praja’, which includes every living being born in his state and not just human beings.  Of the general protection that is extended primary of them are women, old, children, cow, and diseased as they cannot defend themselves. It is his duty to protect the brahminical culture or vedic civilization according to which:
Matrvat para daresu             
Para-dravyesu lostra-vat
Atma-vat sarva-bhutesu
Yah pasyati sa pandita
An intelligent man is he who sees every woman (other than his wife) as his mother, other’s property as a mere pebble, and accords respect to every living entity. This control over baser instincts of man, like sexual desire, greed, and humility is thus important to be a human being and not following the animal culture. How do we cultivate this? Education teaches this. Earlier brahmanas and kshatriyas were sent to Gurukulas to develop this and realize their original relationship to God. But now schools have become breeding ground of just the reverse value system. Teachers themselves are fallen, the political leaders or kings themselves are taking to all abominable ways- rakshak has turned to bhakshak. All the five that need to be given main protection are thrown at the mercy of ‘demoniac’ kings. Old or invalid people are just considered as burdens on the society as they are economically unviable and thus a liability to both the government and the family. Cow, which is one of the seven mothers is even legally slaughtered in the country of Vedas. The government itself has allowed and encouraged the policy of opening abattoirs and every day she is killed in lakhs. In the name of feminism, there is only more exploitation. Children too are not left unscathed. According to the latest statistics, about 50 million abortions or foeticides per year are taking place in our so called ‘modern’ or civilized society today. Still if a child is fortunate enough to be safe from being killed inside the womb and takes birth, then he is later sent to schools which are nothing but according to Srila Prabhupada “slaughter houses” of spirituality. Appallingly all this is happening with the sanction of government. According to Vedic civilization, at least three persons in the society need to be above suspicion- “the priest or the spiritual master, who are engaged in teaching people about religiosity, he must be perfect, above suspicion. Similarly, public leader, he must be also above suspicion. A brahmana... Brahmana means priest also. He must be above suspicion. And the king must be above suspicion.” Sri Rama ordered His wife, the pious Sita devi to take the agni pariksha in order to prove her purity not for Him, but for the subjects, to alleviate their suspicion. Srila Prabhupada though was fully satisfied with the services of his secretary, Govind dasi, yet in order to keep himself above suspicion later chose a brahmachari. King Parikshit, like a true kshatriya gave shelter to even Kaliyuga when he supplicated himself at his feet and to upkeep the desire of the Lord. At the same time in order to protect his kingdom from the downfall, “as soon as he heard that Kali, these four principles of Kali has already entered, he immediately took his bows and arrows and..."Who is that rascal, he is drinking? Kill him." That was king. "Kill him, that rascal." So if one is killed because he was drinking, then others will be very careful. That was king's duty. "Anyone who has got illicit sex, kill him. Anyone who is drunkard, kill him. Anyone who is eating meat, kill him. No other consideration. Directly kill him." Then all these things will stop within a few years. [Ref. VedaBase. Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.16.10 -- Los Angeles, January 7, 1974]. These are the real standards that we have to follow, how far have we departed from them? The government which is supposed to fortify and protect this culture is instrumental in letting it degenerate cannot be trusted. How can a spiritually invalid person lead? - Blind leading a blind the result is only destruction. Real brahmanas are like the brain of a society, they teach the young generation in gurukulas and even advise the king. This is why we need true Brahmins in a country. They will impart education which will restore the Vedic value system in a society and help the leaders imbibe discrimination between ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. The next question comes how to create Brahmins in a country where there has been total delinking from the past and the structure has collapsed? While everything is happening just as prophesied in the scriptures, but still there is hope.
yada hy adharmena tamo-dhiyo nrpa
jivanti tatraisa hi sattvatah kila
dhatte bhagam satyam rtam dayam yaso
bhavaya rupani dadhad yuge yuge [ SB 1.10.25]
[Whenever there are kings and administrators living like animals in the lowest modes of existence, the Lord in His transcendental form manifests His supreme power, the Truth Positive, shows special mercy to the faithful, performs wonderful activities and manifests various transcendental forms as is necessary in different periods and ages.]
Hayagriva dasa: But if the people are basically wicked, … a strong prince is necessary to control them.
Srila Prabhupada: Why should the people remain wicked? 
It is the king’s duty to see that all the citizens become gentlemen…. The educational, social, and religious systems should be so perfect that the people become God conscious. At least a sector of the people, the brahmanas, should be perfect.
The lord mercifully advented Himself in the form of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and freely distributed the love of the Lord, giving the simple process of cleansing and spiritual evolution- chanting His holy name:
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Further, by Divine Providence then appeared Srila Prabhupada. He not only spread the Holy name in all the four corners of the world structurally in a phased manner, but also created a society which by making the four regulative principles of no meat-eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex, and no gambling mandatory makes the person free from the attack of Kali and thus prepares real Brahmins for the society. However, foreseeing the impact of this age Srila Prabhupada also expressed his desire to establish daivi-varnasrma and have rural community projects. This would not only offer conducive setting for chanting and purification but also train and produce brahmanas, kshatriyas and other classes of people, letting everybody the necessary training and opportunity to follow their dharma. No wonder, ISKCON has now formally recognized its importance and created a Varnasrama Ministry, solely dedicated for the purpose.
abdhva su-durlabham idam bahu-sambhavante
manusyam artha-dam anityam apiha dhirah
turnam yateta na pated anu-mrtyu yavan
nihsreyasaya visayah khalu sarvatah syat     [SB 11.9.29]
“After many, many births one achieves the rare human form of life, which, although temporary, affords one the opportunity to attain the highest perfection. Thus a sober human being should quickly endeavor for the ultimate perfection of life before his body, which is always subject to death, falls away. After all, sense gratification is available even in the most abominable species of life, whereas Krsna consciousness is possible only for a human being.”
Let us make the most of this opportunity and help set up a model community which the world can follow, not only for their spiritual progress but also for material prosperity, for a devotee is the servant of Lord Govinda, who is served by thousands of Lakshmis.
Govindam aadi-purusham tam aham bhajami [cf Brahma Samhita]
Hare Krishna! 
                                                                                                   - By Vrndavanlila dd

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